Pitch & Party – Mind Her Business

Event by Services We Trust & HollywoodV Music Business.

Pitch and Party is a unique gathering that brought together the worlds of music and entrepreneurship. The main objective of the evening was to inspire one another and learn from the experiences of both industries. Entrepreneurs are known for their business development, while artists possess the ability to captivate an audience and convey powerful messages.

Services We Trust organised the event to promote the ecosytem of entrepreneurs that dare to dream big, follow their dreams and understand that having a broad network is the way forward. The night was a success! Lots of beautiful connections formed and ideas exchanged.

Thank you to everyone that was there and created an amazing night to remember!

For more photos, visit our social media and make sure to follow to join our coming events.


(+46) 73 55 99 117

Let’s start with a quick call!

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